Some families are so poor they have no means to support themselves. CRM Nepal builds and provides ‘Push Carts’ to create a sustainable means for making a living. Push carts allow a family to wheel crops and items for sale to the market. Being able to take items to market means many families earn enough living to be self-sustaining. A one-time $150 investment provides a family with a push cart and helps them start their own business. This assistance is often provided to widows and their families. We have helped sustain 10 different families with Push Cart business opportunities.
CRM Nepal’s Agape Love program is an ‘issue specific’ program that brings rapid relief and assistance to people who are desperate, life threatened and have no one to help them. It has provided emergency assistance to widows and their families and emergency medical aid to the sick and injured. This program also supplies small gifts and bible tract necklaces to children which is a major movement to help to remote villages. Very poor children receive 8 items; tooth paste, a tooth brush, a cap, gloves, socks, a bar of soap, a hand towel and a nail cutter. All these items only cost $3.50 to purchase in Nepal and help the local economy. Most children have never seen toothpaste or a toothbrush. Thousands of children are reached with Agape love gift project.